What are the things that you associate with the words "good" and "bad"? How about when you are talking about a person? Someone who robs a bank is "bad". Someone who helps out at a homeless shelter is "Good". But what else do you describe as being "good" or "bad"?
For me, I've always attributed these words to my eating behavior. I was "good" today because I didn't have that cookie I wanted...Or...I was "good" today because I drank all my water....Or....I was "bad" today because I had a candy bar...Or...I was "bad" today because I didn't go the gym. It was during my discussion with my dietitian yesterday, that she confronted me about my use of these words in my internal and external dialogue with myself. It isn't these things that make me a "good" or a "bad" person. God isn't doing to stop me at the gates of Heaven and say you can't enter because you were "bad" and ate a cookie. The words we use, whether out loud or in our heads, completely impact how we feel about ourselves.
So, now it's time to retrain myself and remove the guilt I have associated with making unhealthy choices. These choices don't make me a "bad" person. They only mean I didn't make the right choice in that moment.
I have to admit, it's only been a day since this revelation with my dietitian, and I still struggling. I went to a birthday party today and had a few more cookies than I should have had. It wasn't a smart decision, but I did it. I immediately felt shame and guilt. Rather than wallowing in it, I decided to get my journal out right away and deal with my feelings...by writing them down, I was able to see them and determine if they were fact or not.
This is certainly going to a long process. I years and years of programming that needs to be undone.
The next time you have these thoughts about one of your choices, stop and recognize for what it is and determine if it is reality or just fiction....
Prairie Godmother
1 year ago
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