The second item on the list of 11 ways to stay focused is to break your goal into bite sized chunks...wait!...isn't that what got me here to begin with?? hehehe...sorry, I couldn't resist!
For most people who know me pretty well, you know that I am an 'all or nothing' kind of person. I don't typically half a$$ anything. If I'm gonna do it, I do it all out and then when I decide not to, it is dangerous, because I go completely overboard. With that bit of information about me, I am sure you can figure out just how hard this one is for me.
I'm not quiet sure how to take my overall goal of losing 90 pounds and break into more manageable tasks. To help, I went back to the article and re-read this section. The author states that this is where you make a plan to get you to your goal and break that plan into actionable tasks.
Here is my first shot of 'bite size chunking'...
1. Drink more water
2. Make healthy eating choices (to journal or not to journal...that is the question??? I'm still not sure.)
3. Exercise - make time for myself and exercise over my lunch period
4. Get plenty of rest
Honestly, these seem like they will be pretty easy to do, but I wonder if I have made them too general and not defined them enough. I have a feeling that this will be an ever changing part of meeting my goal. What I do to meet my goal today, may not be what works next week, or even tomorrow.
Prairie Godmother
2 years ago
1 comment:
That was a bad joke!!
You should drink more water and cut out pop completely!!! Unless I have a rootbeer float on ocasion I have not drank pop in years, it's a easy managable "chunk" to get you started!
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