Thursday, May 20, 2010

CRAZY Eyes!!!!

Last night, during the storms, I decided to clean my room while I listened to the weather. About half way though the cleaning, my right eye started burning and itching, so I knew I had gotten something in it. I washed all my make off and tried to muscle through it, but it was just too much. My wonderful Tony got the allergy eye drops and put a couple of drops in for me.

I finished cleaning and my eye was still killing me. Tony put a couple more drops in and it still didn't help. A few more drops...then Tony read the directions...1 to 2 drops in eye, no more than 4 times in a 24 hour period...We had only used it 3 times, so I still had one more. So, Tony dropped few more drops in and said that was all I got.

With my eye still hurting and me wondering if I could find what was in it, I walked to the bathroom and was shocked and amazed at what I found. Did you know you could OD on allergy eye drops? Did you know, that when it says 4 times in a 24 hour period, it means to spread them out during that period and not use all of them at once? hehehe

Well, this is what I saw...

Oh, let's zoom in a bit...shall we...

My right was fully dilated, while my left eye was normal. It was crazy looking. It made it impossible to read, to text, to watch TV, so we just shut off the lights in the room and I listened to the TV....while laughing about the fact that my husband had OD'd me with allergy eye drops.

Luckily, I am back to normal this morning. But my eye is still killing me and I really could have used some drops this morning, but I figure I should hold off until at least tonight...maybe even tomorrow morning.


greygillfish said...

OH MY, that is so strange!

Jo's Corner said...

Were you using Patan*l eyedrops? Whatever it was, NOTHINg should make that one eye dilated like that. Do you have a doctor that you email that photo to? It IS really worrisome. Please, get it checked out. Hugs ~ Jo

mistymadisonjo said...

I apologize, but LOL that makes me laugh. Hope you are okay though.

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I am married to my best friend and am the mom of two wonderful kids. I have had my ups and downs in regards to health, happiness and weight loss. This blog will tell you about all of those ups and downs and my opinion on the randomness that we call life.


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