Monday, May 3, 2010

Oakcrest Women's Retreat

Friday night, my church hosted a Women's Retreat. I am honored to be on the Women's Ministry...I love the women that I am blessed to serve with and it is a delight to share my gifts with the group.

Our event was entitled Princess Warrior: Daughter's of the King. Friday was our Princess portion, where we looked at how we are God's Princesses! How we are royalty and how to accept that even when we don't feel very 'royal'. Then Saturday we were the Warriors with God providing our armor. Our guest speaker was Leanna Hale and she was fabulous. Leanna is a beloved alum of Oakcrest and I know we all truly loved having her come talk at our retreat.

My wonderful mommy joined this year as well. It was fun to share the event with not only my sister's in Christ, but my mom. I am truly blessed to have such wonderful women in my life. I know God has put each and every one of them in it for a reason.


mistymadisonjo said...

So glad you have a great weekend.

Rebecca Routh said...

Good Evening,

Would you mind messaging via email?

I am interested in hearing more about the Princess Warrior Retreat you and your ministry healed.

Thank You
Rebecca Routh

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I am married to my best friend and am the mom of two wonderful kids. I have had my ups and downs in regards to health, happiness and weight loss. This blog will tell you about all of those ups and downs and my opinion on the randomness that we call life.


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