Monday, May 17, 2010

Stress and Frustration


My sister is getting married in July and I am the Matron of Honor (btw..I hate the word makes me feel so old). Anyways, a typical MOH does have a lot of responsibility, but since my sister lives in Missouri and the wedding is here in Oklahoma, I have much more to do than would be typical.

I have done, and am responsible for, so much, that my sister just gave me her credit card number and blank checks for items that need to be ordered and bought.

My list of things to do is a mile long and I am rapidly adding to it daily. This weekend, Ashton and I went shopping and ordered my MOH dress...(which had to be put on rush since we only have 8 weeks until the wedding and it usually takes 4-5 months to get a dress). I was very nervous to tell my sister how much it cost, but then Ashton and I found her flower girl dress on sale at Dillards and so I figured the two kind of evened themselves out...that's good logic, right?

I've forgotten how much work a wedding can be...and I've thanked my mom for the work she put into mine 15 years ago.

Well, with all of this stress, I have totally been in a wicked mood. It got so bad that this morning, Quinn asked me why I kept looking at him like I hate him. OMG! I made my baby cry. I feel so horrible that my stress of this whole thing is getting taken out my kiddos and hubby. Quinn has insisted that when this is all done, I go to a spa for a day and get some R&R.

At least, now that I am aware of how this is stressing me out, hopefully, I will begin to be nicer to my family.


Crystal Clear As Mud said...

Hang in there, girlie! Trust me, I know how you feel!

mistymadisonjo said...

All I can say is OMG girlfriend.

Angbrad03 said...

Try to find just 5 minutes to sit quietly and breathe/pray/relax in all this chaos. It will be over soon! Good luck!

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I am married to my best friend and am the mom of two wonderful kids. I have had my ups and downs in regards to health, happiness and weight loss. This blog will tell you about all of those ups and downs and my opinion on the randomness that we call life.


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