Friday, May 28, 2010


I need to give you a guys a quick warning about how the weight loss works after surgery....this was new to me and I was a little surprised.

I went for my 6 month check up on Tuesday. While there I discussed my "goal" weight with my dietitian and doctor....145. That is only 16 pounds away, so I'm pretty close to being ready to stop. That's the kicker. There is no off button to this thing.

My doctor said I have about another year before the weight stops coming off. What? Seriously? He said that the weight loss will slow down over the next year and I will no longer be losing 10+ pounds a month, but that it WILL keep coming off.

So, I owe an apology to all my fellow weight loss patients who I have bad-mouthed when they got TOO SKINNY. I now know that it isn't their fault.

Please don't freak out on me when I start getting TOO skinny. I will do what I can to keep from going too low, but from the way it sounded on Tuesday, that will pretty much be out of my control. I promise to make sure I get back up to a healthy weight when I can. Believe me, I don't want to look anorexic anymore than you want me to look anorexic.

Love to you all.

1 comment:

Crystal Clear As Mud said...

Yikes, I didn't know that! I'll promise to love you even when you're super skinny though! :)

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I am married to my best friend and am the mom of two wonderful kids. I have had my ups and downs in regards to health, happiness and weight loss. This blog will tell you about all of those ups and downs and my opinion on the randomness that we call life.


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