Friday, June 25, 2010

Father's Day Faux Pas

So, I have to confess that I am less than perfect...I know it is hard for you guys to believe...but you will just have to accept it. I am not matter how stronly you feel otherwise. So, why the confession?? Why tell you now? Well.....I totally forgot about Father's Day until Tony "not-so-nicely" reminded me that it was Father's Day and we had totally made him feel unappreciated.

***Ok, before you all beat me up for this my defense, I had a VERY HORRIBLE urinary tract infection come up on Saturday...long story short...I first noticed the UTI on Thursday, but was able to drink it away for a couple of days (and no, I don't mean alcohol..I mean water). We went to my family reunion at Lake Eufaula on Saturday and it was horribly hot. Take the heat, a borderline UTI and lack of water and you get a fierce pain that causes us to leave after only one hour of being there.***

Since I was still out of sorts on Sunday and didn't remember that it was Father's Day, the kids didn't get their reminder and so Tony didn't get wished a Happy Father's Day.

So....TONY...I am so sorry that I forgot. You are a great father and we appreciate everything you do for us! Please forgive us!


Anonymous said...

I feel for you on the UTI! Cranberry juice does wonders for the constant pain and constant having to go to the bathroom! At least til you can get some antibiotics...

Angbrad03 said...

Maybe a "make-up" Father's Day is in order--you could surprise him one Sat/Sun morning with breakfast in bed and cards and gifts and the whole she-bang. I'm sure he'd appreciate a little spoiling any day of the year, lol.

Hope you are feeling much better now!

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I am married to my best friend and am the mom of two wonderful kids. I have had my ups and downs in regards to health, happiness and weight loss. This blog will tell you about all of those ups and downs and my opinion on the randomness that we call life.


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