Monday, November 1, 2010

Crazy Halloween Weekend

This past weekend was crazy for our family. And I don't necessarily just mean "busy/crazy". I mean crazy. Weird stuff.

Friday night was pretty normal. Ashton went to her first crop with me. I was hesitant to take her since this is MY time. But she did well. She even stuck it out until midnight.

(Me and Ash at the crop)

I worked on my JH scrapbook and I am SO, SO, SO excited to share it...but I CAN'T! Sorry. I won't present my book to the club until May Give-away and I want it to be a surprise. So, you'll have to wait until then.

We got home from the crop a little after mid-night. I was still pretty keyed up...I usually am after a night of I decided to read. Next thing I knew, it was 2am and I had finished reading Water for Elephants (look for the review shortly).

We went out to my parents for while and while we were there, a bee decided to nap in Ashton's shoe. Well of course, she didn't see it until it had stung her on the bottom of her foot. I love my daughter, but her threshold for pain is extremely low. We finally got her calmed down after about 10 minutes...I think she thought she was gonna die. After we got home from my parents, she and I took a short nap to rest from our long night the night before and the drama from the bee sting.

We woke up at 4:30 and started prepping her for trick or treating. Half way through curling her hair (at about 5pm), the power went out in our neighborhood. We still don't know what knocked it out, but it was out for 2 1/2 hours and the nearby pizza joints were also without power.

So we high tailed it out there and headed to my friend's house since her neighborhood still had power. (Thanks Karlin for the quick change in plans and welcoming us into your home unexpectedly!) I was bummed by the low number of houses that were actually participating, but the kids still had fun and they had plenty of candy.


Ash and Kaylin

I'm already looking forward to next Halloween and have decided that we need to do family costumes!! It has been years since I dressed up for Halloween and I think it is time to be a kid again! What should we be? Any ideas??


Nicole said...

you all should be the incredibles!

Jeana said...

I'm dressing up with the kids next year too!! Time for mommy to have some fun! LOL!!

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I am married to my best friend and am the mom of two wonderful kids. I have had my ups and downs in regards to health, happiness and weight loss. This blog will tell you about all of those ups and downs and my opinion on the randomness that we call life.


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