Monday, February 7, 2011

Weekend Wrap-up

Ahhh... be back at work and on a normal schedule. And ya know what? All I can think about is being at home getting some house work done. Ugh! Am I never fully satisfied?

We had a great weekend that was kicked off by a fun game night on Friday night. Our friends, Misty and Justin, allowed us to invade their home. Our kids (and another friend from down the street) played Just Dance 2 on the Wii, while the adults played a fun game of "Ticket to Ride".

Misty and Justin have an amazing knack at finding the most obscure games, but they always turn out to be very entertaining.

Saturday we spent most of our day helping our friend Jeana move into her new apartment. There was still snow on the ground, but J's dad had the move perfectly choreographed and everything was moved in within a couple of hours. The kids and I stayed after everything was moved in and by 7pm, we had almost all of the boxes unpacked and even had some decorations on the walls.

My goal of the move, was to help Jeana make it feel like home as quickly as possible, since her kids would be coming home to their new place on Sunday. I was thrilled when she sent me a video on Sunday night, showing how excited the kids were to see their new room and all of their toys. It made my heart flutter.

Sunday was spent napping and watching football...Ok, not really football. More specifically, Super Bowl commercials. I had two that I absolutely loved. A Doritos commercial and a VW commercial. What commercials were your favorites?

Now it's time to gear up for the next big snow storm. We are projected to get 8 - 10 inches of snow late Tuesday, so I am already prepared for the work day from home on Wednesday! I guess I need to come up with things to keep the kids busy this time.

Hope you all have a great week! Later gators!

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I am married to my best friend and am the mom of two wonderful kids. I have had my ups and downs in regards to health, happiness and weight loss. This blog will tell you about all of those ups and downs and my opinion on the randomness that we call life.


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