Tuesday night, the JH girls got together for our annual PepperChop. This is one of my favorite events. Just a big group of girls popping the top off of peppers and dodging hot pepper seeds. It really is a lot of fun and a great moment to chit and chat and get to know everyone.
If you haven't placed your order for our Famous 6" Sub Sandwich, then you need to get on it. Click HERE for more information.
Wednesday morning, the kids and I drove to my sister's to spend a couple days with her family. She and her hubby are both teachers. Their Parent/Teacher Conferences were last week and she needed a babysitter. So, I the kids and I jumped at the chance to spend our fall break with Veronica and Collin.
We did get one day with my sister and her hubby, but otherwise, it was just me and the kiddos. And can I say, I sure am glad my kids are self sufficient. I forgot how tiring a baby can be. Don't get me wrong, I love that little girl and loved every minute I spent with her, but it's hard to relax when you aren't used to be around a baby.
On our day together Friday, we took the kiddos to The Great Pumpkin Patch. It was so nice outside and we had a lot of fun taking pictures of V at her first pumpkin patch.
In that last picture, Quinn's legs look like they go on forever. How tall is he now?? Your niece is adorable by the way!
love all the new posts!!!!!!!!!!!
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