Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Made Me Smile Monday

A few months ago, I got the idea to nominate my friend Jeana for the Kiss FM/Club One15 Girls Night Out...but I was uber lazy and didn't send the email.  Until the May 20th Tornado hit and I saw the stress Jeana was under since her house was damaged.  So I got off my lazy butt and send the email....

....and she WON!!!  I know, right?  I was totally surprised, but I guess the mention of the tornado was kind of a slam dunk!

So this last Friday night, we joined two other very deserving friends and enjoyed some girl time.  We started the night at Club One15 in Bricktown for all you can eat fajitas!

After that we walked to the Devon Tower and enjoyed cocktails at Vast on the 49th floor.  Can you tell by the picture that I was pretty freaked out to be so high up?

After cocktails, we walked back to Club One15 and enjoyed our VIP access!

It was really a lot of fun, but I totally realized just how old I have gotten.  The clothes that the girls wear to club now-a-days are really revealing.  Did we ever wear stuff that short and low cut?

I am so blessed to have a friend like Jeana and had a wonderful night out!  


Kari said...

you all look so amazing! I'm so glad you did this for her. I can't think of anyone who deserves it more. Good job Becky!

Girl On a Journey said...

That was sweet of you! When walking downtown after a movie or something it is shocking. I don't ever remember dressing like that. Although most most of days going to clubs were Country bars and dressed in jeans, boots, and tops. LOL

Crystal Clear As Mud said...

What a fun night! And I KNOW I wore clothing that short and low cut...of course, I was a lot younger and about 30 pounds skinnier!

Kendra said...

Beautiful ladies! You are the sweetest friend, Becky. I am glad you all had a fun, stress-free night!

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I am married to my best friend and am the mom of two wonderful kids. I have had my ups and downs in regards to health, happiness and weight loss. This blog will tell you about all of those ups and downs and my opinion on the randomness that we call life.


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