Monday, April 14, 2014

Made Me Smile Monday

A few months back, we started receiving college recruiting stuff for Quinn.  A least one piece of mail for him a day.  Most of the time, I just make a pile and he goes through it when he gets a chance. 

As we were going to bed one evening, he came in our room and said, "you guys need to look at this...I don't think it is just a form letter."  The letter was from the National Student Leadership Conference and he was wasn't a form letter.  Quinn was being invited to attend the NSLC this coming summer.  Since it was late, I told him I would look at it the next day and we could talk about it then.

Of course, my curiosity got the better of me and I started reading about it that night.  To be invited to the conference is pretty is either through your academic achievements or a nomination.  We aren't sure how Quinn's invitation came to be, but I knew we couldn't let this opportunity pass him by.  The conference is field specific so in July he will be attending a 10 day program on Engineering...and he gets to do this at UC Berkeley!

The program is NOT cheap (about $5K in total), so we started checking into scholarships and potential fundraising immediately.  The scholarships aren't the best, but every little bit helps.  On Friday, we received notice that he was awarded a $500 scholarship!!  I guess 10% is better than nothing.  We mailed off 73 fundraising letters to friends and family on Friday as well...if you got a letter from us, please know that even the smallest amount of support will helpful. 

I'm extremely nervous about sending Quinn to California without one of us, but I'm excited that he's getting this opportunity.  If you are interested in helping us send Quinn to NSLC, you can donate through his GoFundMe page by clicking the link below.  If you can't help financially, we completely understand and ask that you pray for this trip and his safety while he is gone.

You can also learn more about NSLC by clicking HERE.


Anonymous said...

I am sure you are having a ton of emotions right now for sure. That is so awesome and I know you are proud for sure. I am sure he will be fine but, you wouldn't be a Mom without some worries. I will start praying now for the fundraising part now, travels later. :)

Unknown said...

What a wonderful opportunity!

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I am married to my best friend and am the mom of two wonderful kids. I have had my ups and downs in regards to health, happiness and weight loss. This blog will tell you about all of those ups and downs and my opinion on the randomness that we call life.


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