Monday, May 17, 2010

Books and Movies...two of my favorite things!!!

Friday night, my girls from Shabby Souls met at the Warren Theatre and had book club at Oscars Lounge. We had so much fun and enjoyed our time together.

I left with a whole stack of fact, I left with the new House of Night series (books 1 - 5). Yes, this is another vampire series, but it is set in Tulsa and the girls have ensured me it is a good read.

After book club we all went to see Letters to Juliet. I really enjoyed this movie. Yes, it was a "cheesy" chic-flick, but it was fun and sweet. The Italian countryside was breathtaking. I kept whispering to Ashton..."Take me there". Maybe one day she'll take her ol' Mom to Italy for a girls trip...hehehe.

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I am married to my best friend and am the mom of two wonderful kids. I have had my ups and downs in regards to health, happiness and weight loss. This blog will tell you about all of those ups and downs and my opinion on the randomness that we call life.


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