Friday, May 7, 2010

Junior Hospitality 75th Anniversary and May Giveaway

Last night, JH celebrated our 75th Anniversary and May Giveway. We had our wonderful event at the Quail Creek Golf and Country Club. Since it is our anniversary, we upped the celebration by inviting multiple guest speakers from organizations we have supported...YWCA, The Children's Center and The CARE Center (this year's grant recipient). We also invited sustaining members, which are former active JH members. It was neat to have some of the women from the first few years our club became an organization.

May Giveaway is our annual event where we present the grant to the recipient for the year. It is also a great event for perspective club members to learn more about us. My friends Pam and Jeana agreed to come last night and both have decided to join next year. I am excited to share this wonderful, life-changing experience with them.
Nicole, Pam, Me and Jeana

Me and Nicole

Me and Jeana

Me and Pam

Me, Nicole and Natalie...making new friends is a wonderful perk of JH! These will be friendships for life!

After the dinner, our guests leave and we hold our final general meeting for the year. This meeting, however, is full of fun awards. We also say goodbye to our current year board and welcome in our new president and new board for the upcoming year. But the most special part to me was when my provisional class became OFFICIAL Junior Hospitality members!!!

This is my provisional class! We are finally active members!!! Yay!!

Meet the 2010 - 2011 Junior Hospitality Board

These four wonderful ladies have concluded their active membership with JH this year and are now sustaining members! I will miss them all, but am I blessed to have gotten to know each one of them.

Over the last year, I have shared different events with you guys and told you all just how much I am proud to be in I'm just gonna say it again! It is an amazing organization and I'm looking forward to several more years with these wonderful women! I am so grateful to my friend Nicole for inviting me to May Giveaway last year and giving me the opportunity to become one of the amazing women of JH.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I am not sure you know how much it warms my heart to hear how much you like it, I love that it has become something special to you and not just something I invited you to!

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I am married to my best friend and am the mom of two wonderful kids. I have had my ups and downs in regards to health, happiness and weight loss. This blog will tell you about all of those ups and downs and my opinion on the randomness that we call life.


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