Monday, May 31, 2010

Right of Passage

This past week has been a very momentous week for Quinn. The end of 6th grade means he is part of the youth group at church, 6th grade graduation and the 6th grade dance.

Sunday night the youth group welcomed in the 6th graders with a cookout at the Minor's house. The kids had such a great time. There was swimming and the giant slip and slide and of course we ended with a devo. Growing up in the church, being a part of the youth group built a strong foundation of faith and fun. I am so excited that my kids will get to build wonderful memories in such a great group.

The welcome into the youth group.

Ashton and Livie enjoying the devo by the pool.

Monday night was Quinn's 6th grade graduation. I am so proud of his accomplishments from this past year. He is such a special young man.
* Achievement in Social Studies
* Achievement in Spelling
* Music Award
* Principal's Award for All A's
* Participation in Honor Choir
* Quarterly Citizenship Award

For the last day of school, the PTA hosted a 50's sock hop for the 6th Grade Class. The kids all dressed up and I was totally surprised to see them all dancing and not standing at the walls. They had a DJ and every thing. Quinn won the Twist contest....of course this was after he asked us to leave the dance, so I didn't get to see him win...:(

Going into Junior High is a huge right of passage in a kids educational life. It's hard to believe Elementary school is over for Quinn, but I know he will do great in the next stage of life.

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I am married to my best friend and am the mom of two wonderful kids. I have had my ups and downs in regards to health, happiness and weight loss. This blog will tell you about all of those ups and downs and my opinion on the randomness that we call life.


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