I have a confession to make, I LOVE info-mercials. I am a total sucker and believe that all of those products will do exactly what they say they will. I just love the "As Seen on TV" section in Walgreens and other stores. So, this list is dedicated to the Five "As Seen on TV" Items that I am dying to buy (and these are in no particular order).

My Five "As Seen on TV" Obsessions
1. Cami Secret

2. Big Top Cupcake

3. Neckline Slimmer

4. Shake Weight

5. In Styler

So, have you ever sat with the credit card in one hand and phone in the other? Dying to dial that number and order that product? If you have..you ARE NOT alone. What items would you buy? (Maybe my next list should be a confession of the things of I have bought??? Hmmmmm.)
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