Thursday, February 28, 2013

What I'm Thinkin' Thursday

I am blessed. 

I have noticed recently that my prayers do not contain me asking for things from God, but profusely thanking him for the amazing blessing he's given to me.  So, for this What I'm Thinkin' Thursday, I'm gonna give you a peak inside my prayers a bit.

First and foremost, I am thankful for the beautiful relationships...with Tony, the kids, my parents, my friends...I have absolutely no doubts that God puts us together for specific reasons.  Whether these people are in my life for a purpose or I am to fulfill some purpose for them, I know God has designed us to be together. 

I'm also thankful for my job.  No matter how much I might complain about it, I really do have a wonderful job.  I may not enjoy everyone I work with or the tasks that I have to perform, but I am blessed with the flexibility to be the kind of mom and wife that I want to be.  If my job were more rigid, I know I would miss out on a lot of things that I enjoy doing with my family.

Along the same lines, I am thankful for the roof over our heads and food in our bellies.  There are too many in our world that don't have this luxury.  I stress over money TOO much, but when I try to get a little perspective, I am able to remind myself that the bills are being paid and the mouths are being fed.  God is giving us what we need.  And contrary to popular desires, I don't believe God wants us to live in excess.  Yes, he wants us to prosper, but not to live in a way that we begin to feel entitled or greedy.

I find myself at a loss for the right words on how to thank God for these things.  I stumble on my thoughts and wonder if I am relaying to Him just how much I know He is working in my life.  I have faith though, that He can see my heart and knows what I am trying to say.


Girl On a Journey said...

Over the years I have heard people suggest a gratitude journal and to make a list each night. I am with you though, I pray each night thanking him for all my blessings for that day. I know I too am not the best praying person but, I know as well that he knows my heart and gratitude. He knows yours too, I am sure of it. :)

Jeana said...

I am exactly where you are right now!! I am so blessed by so many things!! And you, Tony, the kids and your parents are all one of them! love you sweet friend!!

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I am married to my best friend and am the mom of two wonderful kids. I have had my ups and downs in regards to health, happiness and weight loss. This blog will tell you about all of those ups and downs and my opinion on the randomness that we call life.


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