Sunday, June 28, 2009

To the mean vet we saw this weekend:

First, I was told your office opened at 8 am on Saturday mornings and that it would be first come, first served. So since your office is 30 minutes away, I woke up at 6:30am, on a Saturday morning, and loaded up Ashton and Sookie so we could make it to your office before everyone else.

We got there right at 8 and quickly found out that you open your doors earlier than 8...because we were the 7th appointment to sit in your waiting room. Sookie was already a nervous wreck from riding in the car and then she had to sit in your waiting room listening to other unhappy pets. But she sat quietly and didn't cause a fuss. I was pretty proud of her for being so calm.

We were finally called back to room at 8:30, where I gave the guy the bag of poop I'd been carrying in my purse. We were left in the room for about 10 minutes. Sookie wandered around the room just fine. She was a little nervous but was checking things out and getting comfortable with her surroundings. Then YOU came in....

At first, things seemed okay. Sookie walked up to you and smelled of your hands. Then you picked her up when she wasn't quiet ready for you to. Instead of letting her settle down some more, you squeezed her tighter and started yelling "NO!" at her. By this point, you had me and Ashton cowering in the corner while we watched Sookie get more and more scared of you.

Sookie started to bite and scratch you when you wouldn't put her down, so you yelled really loudly for someone out in the hall to bring you a towel. Not only did you yell this once, but you yelled this 4 times and I must say you also added a few chosen cuss words. If Sookie weren't really afraid of you before, the yelling didn't help any.

By the time they came in with a towel, you were bleeding and Sookie was scared out of her mind. So the vet tech covered Sookie up with the towel and Ashton told me she needed to leave the room. So Ashton left and I stood in shock watching my precious kitty be treated like a wild animal. Then you decided one towel wasn't enough and you yelled for another one.

As you manhandled my Sookie under the towels, you had her so frightened that she peed on herself. Then you proceeded to give her the one shot we came in for and ordered your vet techs around some more and put Sookie back in her crate.

I wanted to hold her so she would know mommy loved her, but knew that she needed to calm down. You looked at Sookie in the crate and said, "All that one for shot. That was completely unnecessary." You didn't once acknowledge that was I over in the corner with tears in my eyes. You didn't try to make things okay although I apologized. You just walked out of the room in a horrible huff.

I paid my $12 and your office staff had the nerve to ask if I wanted to schedule her for her spade...UM NO!!! Not only will you not get to ever put your hands on my cat again, I will also not be sending any more business your way. You had no right to treat my cat as poorly as you did. You had no right to be so inhumane and rude.

You certainly caused me some anguish. Luckily Sookie is almost back to normal, although she doesn't like it when voices are raised.

So, to the mean vet we saw this weekend: my business will be going elsewhere.


Shyla said...

Ok you've got to use my vet instead. They are open on Saturdays too. Let me know if you want the info. She is wonderful and doesn't hate pets. In fact I think my vet loves pets!

prbert66 said...

Boyer Vet is a GREAT place to take Sookie. I just love them.

Kelly said...

Oh man, wait until Nicole reads this!! She may make a trip up there herself!! Yikes!! I agree with Pam, Boyer is great. I've always had great experiences with them, and they're close!! Poor Sookie...and Becky and Ashton!

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I am married to my best friend and am the mom of two wonderful kids. I have had my ups and downs in regards to health, happiness and weight loss. This blog will tell you about all of those ups and downs and my opinion on the randomness that we call life.


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