My friend, Nicole, did a post that I am going to can see her post here. It is a cute little idea, so thought I would give it a shot.
I Always....
check my personal email as soon as I get to work in the mornings.
talk to Tony, at least once, while he is at the fire station.
take off my shoes as soon I get into the house...usually right in the doorway...drives Tony nuts!
snooze my alarm at least once, but usually more.
balance my checkbook to the penny.
want to be at home rather than at work.
have to pee as soon as I walk in the door from work.
I Sometimes....
wake up on a Saturday morning at a normal time and then an hour later lay down to take a nap.
treat my kids to a junk food night where we have absolutely nothing healthy for dinner.
forget that we have a dog in the backyard...sorry Shadow.
wish I had never started scrapbooking, it's a hobby that you can never stop.
put my make-up on after I've already been at work for a few hours.
I Never....
go to bed without kissing my kids goodnight.
let anyone but me push the cart when grocery shopping...sorry, it's a control thing.
go a week without watching a lately it's been Twilight.
go a day without making some kind of to-do list.
Prairie Godmother
2 years ago
I loved that!! SOO FUN!
Hi Becky,
I'm Sara. I'm Nicole's friend who did the Always, Sometimes and Never post. I'm glad you participated. =)
I loved your post, but I can one up husband and I both reach for our blackberry phones as soon as the alarm goes off...and are busy texting away before we even lean over and say good morning!!! Isn't that sad?!?!
FYI-I press the snooze 3 times every morning.
Oooohhhh...I could go on for hours. Isn't it neat how weird we all are. Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself and now I'll become an avid reader of your blog!!
I will give up control. You can come push my cart at the grocery store and I will also let you pay the bill! Hehehe
I'm cracking up on the "pee"...TMI!
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