Monday, August 31, 2009

Cabin Fever

It's been awhile since I've updated you on Sookie. She is 6 months old now and is CRAZY! But I still love her to death and wouldn't give her up for anything!

We haven't let Sookie outside...EVER! And, let me tell you, she wants to go out so bad...she is literally climbing the walls. I feel horrible about it, but I just can't have an outside cat in the city...I would worry about her all the time, so she is just gonna have to get used to being a house cat.

So, about the climbing the walls...we have a wall in our house that separates the entry way from the living room. Sookie will get in the hallway between the kids rooms and take a run at the wall. Then she hangs on to the wall and looks at us like, "What? I'm not doing anything!"

These are the scratches on the wall. We will eventually have to repaint it, but there is no point in doing it as long as she finds this activity humoring. So, for the time being, we tolerate it and do our best at getting her to stop.

This is to show you just how high she gets (and this isn't her highest...there are scratch marks above the height of the light switch). And I'm serious when I say that she'll just hang there. I bet her longest hang time is 30 seconds. She is actually quiet talented!


greygillfish said...

Exactly why we will never own a cat, and thousand of other reasons. HA! Enjoy your climber. I enjoy looking at her on the computer, but I can guarantee she would attack me if I walked in your house. They all smell my fear no matter what and will attack!

Kelly said...

Crazy cat...fits right in with the Brums!! Hehe!! Love you!! :)

Nicole said...

You guys alive??????
I am crying over the fact that their are no new posts????
But lucky for you I wont be online again until monday! Get on it! haha

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I am married to my best friend and am the mom of two wonderful kids. I have had my ups and downs in regards to health, happiness and weight loss. This blog will tell you about all of those ups and downs and my opinion on the randomness that we call life.


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