Today is Quinn's last, first day of elementary school. He started 6th grade! I cannot believe it! 6th grade was a huge year for me when I was young, so I know it will be the same for Quinn. It is almost like everything changes in 6th grade. One major change is that Quinn will be riding the bus instead of going to the YMCA for before and after care. While I was going to sleep last night, I had a little panic attack about it. I almost woke Tony up to tell him we MUST get Quinn a cell phone. How else am I gonna know that he boarded the bus okay and is on his way to school. I didn't wake Tony up though, but I am still wondering if we should do it. The thought of my baby leaving the house alone, walking to the bus stop and getting on the bus, without me knowing just makes my tummy ache.
Ashton is starting 3rd grade this year. She is super excited. It seems like this may be the year for the awesome teacher. She called us a week ago to introduce herself and also send a postcard to all the kids. I hope she stays just as welcoming and organized throughout the year. Lord knows Ashton deserves a good year. In preparation for the year, Ashton had summer tutoring for reading. I am hopeful that the transition will be smoother because of it.
My kiddos are both growing up way too fast!
You have to cut the cord sometime.
I can't believe the summer is already over either. This was the fastest summer EVER!
I completely understand about freaking out about the bus thing. I would be terrified too. Sorry, that probably doesn't help.
The kids look adorable as always. I am loving Ashton's funky look and different colored shoe strings. So stylish.
I didn't know she had some bad years with teachers. I hope this year is better for her.
Good Luck getting back on schedule. I will need all the luck I can get. The first few weeks are always so hard.
Sorry for taking up all this room on you comments. LOL!
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