Being away from home, it is expected that I will miss the more obvious "big things"....going home to my family after work instead of a hotel room, hugs from my hubbie and kids, talking to them without distraction, sleeping next to Tony and in my own bed, loving on Sookie and hearing her purrs....but I was surprised by the little things that I missed during this, don't laugh at me...some of them are kinda silly.
* Being able to listen to my Twilight Soundtrack and watch the movie whenever I want
* Driving on familiar roads
* Driving my car and not some horrible rental
* Having a quiet air conditioner that doesn't wake me up every time it turns on
* Showering in my own shower
* Having my "corner pillow" to hold while I sleep at night
* Having Tony there to get me back in bed when I walk in my sleep (yes, I walked in my sleep 3 nights while I was gone)
* Knowing the local TV stations and having most of them in English
* Being able to balance my checkbook daily so I know just how much money we have (I left the checkbooks at home...yeeks)
* Having bathroom drawers to stick all of my junk in after I'm done getting ready
I know there are more that I haven't even realized yet, but these are just the ones that I noticed right away! I am SO happy to be home!
Prairie Godmother
2 years ago
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