First dietitian....Chris.
Chris has been with me through thick and thin over the last year and a half. She's made me laugh and made me cry. She holds me 100% accountable for my actions and that's what I need. She is happy with my weight loss, but said it is coming off a little slow since my last appointment. That's when I had to confess that I've had some trouble with carbs and eating when I'm bored. She told me to stop the 'carb bites'. She said since my body isn't getting many carbs, my body will grab them and adhere them to my butt.
Now about how to kick the boredom eating...this is where it gets really, really, REALLY funny. First, she told me to find something else to do. Then she said, "Play games with your husband." That's when I immediately went to the gutter and I said, "Games??" So, I got her permission to play 'sex games' to beat the times when I get bored and I want to eat. The appointment just went down hill from there. Then, she begged me to tell Dr. surgeon.
So, during my appointment with Dr. B, I had to summon the courage to tell him. But finally, I told him what Chris has recommended. He told me to hold on and bolted out the room. The next thing I knew, he was back in the room with his prescription pad. Check it out....
If you can't read his handwriting, it says, "Sex Games 3x per week to combat emotional eating". Tony has decided we are going to frame it. Too, too funny.
Now, it's time to meet Jenni, my exercise physiologist.
I did another VO2 assessment with her today. This is an assessment that measures where the body burns the most fat stores and, hence, more weight loss. After the assessment, she told me the best heart range for optimal fat burn. I got my hand slapped by her a bit too for not exercising enough and for not stretching. So, I am under strict orders to exercise and stretch. But, I have a wonderful exercise plan now and I am going to hit the ground running.
I know this was a really long post, but thanks for sticking in there and reading it all. My next appointment will be at the 6 month mark. After that appointment, I plan to introduce you to Dr. B.
Hey, you can burn like 600 calories in an hour of sex or something--so you can get your exercise physiologist to stop harping on you about exercise AND keep your mind off of food (and in the gutter where it belongs!) :) Oh, and you have to check this out--hilarious count of calories for different sexual activities, including the calories a man burns to get sex if the woman isn't up for it.
HA!!!love it
Again, TMI
I can definately see where your head has been lately. No wonder Tony visited Victoria Secret! ha lol
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