Today I am going to climb right up on my soapbox! RSVP. When you are planning an event that requires reservations or preparations based on the number of people attending, the 'inviter' typically asks for them to RSVP. So, why doesn't the invitee RSVP? BECAUSE THEY ARE RUDE! That's why!
How hard is it to pick up the phone, send a text, send an email, click the proper response in the evite??? It isn't hard people. The hard part lies within the hands of the person planning the event.
So if you are one that doesn't think RSVP'ing is important, let me lay out two of the issues that your total disregard has caused...
- The restaurant where the reservation is made ends up having to pull in more seating that could have been claimed by another reservation, not to mention it makes your table too full.
- The person hosting the event doesn't have enough food, seats, or supplies for everyone in attendance.
So, time you are asked to RSVP, please either send your regrets or let them know you are coming!
Thanks. I feel much better now!!!
Prairie Godmother
2 years ago
HOLY MOLY, look at that new pic in the sidebar. Way to go Bec!
I couldn't agree more...also, that new pic on your sidebar is AWESOME! I can't wait to see your cuteness at the JH meeting next week!
I ALWAYS RSVP, every single time...but I was still unsure about next weekend!
But trust me no one will RSVP...they have not for the past year
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