Wednesday, September 15, 2010

You Have Got to Be Kidding

Yesterday for lunch, I got a yummy pizza from Cafe 7. My plan was to eat the topping off a couple of pieces and continue to eat it for lunch for a couple of days. So, I put my pizza box in the fridge here at work and went about my day.

I was actually looking forward to eating the leftovers at lunch today...but my plans were foiled by some jackhole. (Yes, I just said jackhole.) When I opened the fridge, my pizza was still there, but it was opened and half of what was left yesterday was now missing.

Yep, someone ate my lunch....some inconsiderate jackhole ate my lunch. I am so stinkin' mad. How can an office of adults really have people in it that go into the fridge and eat someone else's food. You have got to be kidding me. Ridiculous.

I have worked here for over 12 years and have only heard the stories of food being eaten...not by the owner...but now it has happened to me. I can no longer consider it urban legend. It is now fact.

So, I got my lunch at taco bell instead...ugh!


Nicole said...

That happened ALL the time to me at CHK.

Crystal Clear As Mud said...

I have never understood how people can be so selfish and inconsiderate to do something like that. I mean, REALLY? I'm so sorry it's happened to you! :(

Debbie said...

Ooooh! That would have lit my fire too! Grrrrr...

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I am married to my best friend and am the mom of two wonderful kids. I have had my ups and downs in regards to health, happiness and weight loss. This blog will tell you about all of those ups and downs and my opinion on the randomness that we call life.


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