Thursday, November 11, 2010

I Am Number Four by Patticus Lore

John Smith has just arrived in Paradise, Ohio, just another stop in a string of small towns where the 15-year-old has been hiding out from the Mogadorians. Those terrifying aliens are hellbent on destroying him and the other nine Loric children who have sought refuge on Earth. The Mogadorians are picking off the surviving kids in numerical order. The first three are dead and John's number is up. Will his Legacies, his defining super powers, develop in time for him to fight against the enemy? I Am Number Four is a breathless page-turner of a sci-fi novel that will have readers rooting for the teen alien who must unleash his fire power to save himself, his human friends, and the planet.

I consumed this book in three short days. My friend Nicole wanted me to read it so badly, that she was willing to part with Kindle for a week. I am so thankful she did, too. First off, I am dying for a Kindle now. I really liked using it and it made reading so different and a little more convenient than holding an actual book and flipping pages.

But more importantly, this book was awesome. It is full of love, relationships and some major alien action. You will be touched by the relationships that are present at the beginning of the story and the relationships that develop along the way. This is obviously the first of many in this series, as the ending leaves you wanting more and dying to know what is going to happen next.

The movie is being released in Feb 2011. Below is the trailer. I am hoping to get Quinn to read the book before the movie comes out in the theatre. This is one I highly recommend.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

did you read how the writer claims to be from Loric and that is the name he goes by?

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