We stopped at the fireworks stand just outside the Shawnee city limits. The girls bought pretty and sparkly fireworks, where as the boys bought the ones with the biggest BANG!
It was all fun and games until someone got hurt! Ok...not really someone, but there was an injury...to the grass at my parent's neighbors lot. Yep! My kids started a grass fire. Even better than that...the kids of a fire fighter started a grass fire. And please go ahead and tell me I am a bad mom, because I was not outside when it happened. Thank goodness the neighbors were and everyone acted quickly and got the fire put out before it got too large.
It was a really nice day. I enjoyed spending relaxing time with my parents and seeing the kids enjoy themselves.
I see your grass fire and raise you "I ran away when the sparks got to close to me and left my three year inches away from the danger" Mom of the year right here. I OWN that title!
Glad it was a good 4th...fire and all!
Fun fourth!! I love the picture of Ashton plugging her ears. My daughter does that and she told me that she always will!
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