Thursday, May 22, 2014

What I'm Thinking Thursday

Just a few random thoughts today...

***Why do I love chocolate so much?  I mean seriously, it makes it really hard to lose weight when Hershey Kisses are so divine.  I managed to keep the Kisses out of the house for about two weeks...but I just couldn't do it anymore.  So I bought a bag last night and it is already halfway empty.  Urgh!

***My hair. Is. Driving. Me. Nuts!  It is currently at a funky length and I'm in the position of having to decide if I want to continue to grow or cut it back off.  I was desperately looking forward to my hair appt yesterday, but my hair girl had to leave town for a family emergency.  So, now I have to wait another week and hope to goodness that I don't end up cutting it myself.

***I've done something to my shoulder/neck and I'm really tired of it hurting.  It happened on Tony's was like a charlie horse right at my shoulder blade.  It seriously paralyzed me for a bit.  I couldn't move without excruciating pain.  I'm considering going to a chiropractor and having acupuncture done, but I'm a little nervous about it.  I need to just bite the bullet and get it taken care of.

***I think I'm gonna dig out my scrapbooking stuff this weekend and let the creative endorphin juice flow.  It's been since before we put the house on the market that I've even thought about scrapbooking.  Unfortunately, I'll do it at the kitchen table, another miss from the bigger house.  But if it will help put me in a better mood, I guess it's worth having the mess out for awhile.


Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

Oh no! I hope the shoulder/neck gets better! Eat lots of kisses to make it feel better. Chocolate heals ;)

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear about your neck and shoulder. I hope you feel better soon. They started buying reese's pb cup mini's here at work...that is my demise on the scale. I love your hair short but, do what you feel best in. I know some like my hair long but, I am loving it at shoulder length. I am in a serious funk too. I am going to do a FB and Twitter hiatus. Focus on the few blogs I read and IG. I signed up for an online bible study that starts this Sunday. Just need to regroup. Have fun scrapbooking! - Janet

Why Girls Are Weird said...

GO GET BIO FREEZE RIGHT NOW FOR YOUR NECK. I swear it works almost TOO well. It's amazing.

Unknown said...

I just read why you're seeing a chiropractor. I'm sorry you're in pain!

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I am married to my best friend and am the mom of two wonderful kids. I have had my ups and downs in regards to health, happiness and weight loss. This blog will tell you about all of those ups and downs and my opinion on the randomness that we call life.


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