Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I have a dilemma. As you all know, it is important to still date your husband. And Tony and I have good intentions to go out on dates, but then we never do. We want to though.

So, this past weekend, we had it all planned to go see a movie and our babysitter ended up cancelling. We toyed with the idea of leaving the kids at home and going to see the movie anyways. But then our guilt got the better of us and we just didn't go.

Quinn is 12 and Ashton is 10. Are they old enough for us to leave at home from time to time so we can go out to a movie alone? Would we be horrible parents for leaving them alone so we can go on a date? Should we be spending that free with them instead of being selfish?

Ok, so do you see my dilemma? We love our kids and absolutely love to do things with them. But we also know we need to spend time alone. We are totally stuck on what to do. What do you think? I am asking for opinions here...give 'em to me! The good, the bad and the ugly!!!


Jeana said...

I think the kids would be ok by live pretty close to the theater and they have your number so if anything happened they can call you!

I also don't think you are being selfish wanting to go on a date with your hubby! Take it from me, DATE YOUR MAN!!! :-) This is one thing Brian and I never did...too busy, no sitter, etc...

Or call your friends and make us watch your kiddos! My kids would love that anyway!!

Love you guys!

Debbie said...

Rebecca my darling. You are a wonderful mother and a superb spouse. Both take time and effort. I agree with Jeana, the kids will be fine.
Spending time alone with your spouse and keeping your relationship strong is just as beneficial for the children as it is for you and your spouse.
I believe it is part of being a good parent to be at peace with your spouse and happy in your relationship. You have wonderful children and have been so blessed. Take care of ALL of the special relationships in your life. *hugs**

Nicole said...

when I was 10 I stayed home alone with my younger siblings. I think as long as you are like 20minutes away they are fine.

Crystal Clear As Mud said...

I believe they're at the age where most kids start staying home. As long as you leave your phone on and pick up it up if they call (even though that's a no-no at the theater these days) then you should definitely go! It's not selfish to need a little alone time together from time to time!

mistymadisonjo said...

Cut the cord.

Angbrad03 said...

You are not selfish for wanting to spend time with your husband. As hard as it is to swallow when you are mom and your maternal instincts say to put your kids first, you actually have to put your MARRIAGE first--your marriage is the foundation for your entire family, and if it suffers, ultimately your kids suffer.

At 10 and 12, I'd say your kids are ready to spend some time alone. Start off small the first couple of times--an hour or two max, and see how they do. Sit down before you leave, go over the rules and expectations for them, and then go have FUN! You might put a neighbor or friend that lives close by "on call" so that if they run into trouble, they have an extra grown-up around to lend a hand. (If the toilet overflows, you don't really want to be 30 minutes out without anyone to help, lol). And if they do well on those first few times, extend it out a few hours and go to dinner AND a movie! You'll get some much-needed couple time, they'll have the opportunity to learn some self-reliance and independence--they gotta learn sometime, they'll be DRIVING in 3-5 years! :)

Anonymous said...

My parents left us alone long before that and I was babysitting by age 11. They will be fine. This is the age of cell phones. They can text you or call you if there's a major issue. Like it has been said above, just go over the rules. No cooking, no opening the door/phone, just hanging out watching approved TV/movies. Order them a pizza. They will love it. We always did! ;-)

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I am married to my best friend and am the mom of two wonderful kids. I have had my ups and downs in regards to health, happiness and weight loss. This blog will tell you about all of those ups and downs and my opinion on the randomness that we call life.


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