Ashton has had a cold with a light fever since Friday night. It was nothing constant and not really THAT bad. I stayed home with her on Monday and she was fine most of the day. So, yesterday, she want to school.
By the time school was out, she looked horrible. She had red rings around her eyes and was all sniffly. By 7:30 she was ready for bed. Then, at 9:15, she woke up crying and saying her ear really, really hurt. I put ear drops in her ears and Tony gave her Tylenol and we put her back in bed. Tony made the decision to call in to work and stay home with her....thank goodness he had a premonition of what was yet to come.
Putting her back to bed didn't last very long. She was back up 3 more times by 10pm. We even tried letting her sleep with us. She kept rolling around saying her ear hurt and saying she was in too much pain to sleep. She and Tony finally moved to the living room and within 30 minutes, Tony was getting dressed and telling me they were headed to the ER.
Now, for us, an ER visit isn't like a normal ER visit. We have the perk of the firefighter badge, so Tony bypasses admissions and go straight to the doctor. And last night it made a huge difference. I think they left around 11 and were back with the prescriptions by midnight.
Ashton does have an ear infection, so the doctor gave her some pain meds and some antibiotics. Sadly though, she threw up in the pain meds in the back of Tony's truck...yuck!
They are both home today resting. I sure wish I could join them, I am exhausted, but someone has to work....hehehehe.
Here is a picture I took of Ash this morning. She looks pitiful, huh?
Poor Ashton! Hopefully all is well soon.
Awww...poor girlie! But, that's awesome you get jumped ahead of the line in the ER! That's worth it's weight in gold...and time!
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