Saturday, June 26, 2010

2 Nights of Movies

Thursday night, Tony and I enjoyed a date at the Warren Balcony....I am such a "Warren Snob"...I really prefer not to go anywhere else to see a movie! Anyways, we saw the new Tom Cruise flick, Knight and Day. First of all, I am not a huge Tom Cruise fan anymore...he went too crazy after he and Nicole split and it has really tainted my feelings for his movies. But since Cameron Diaz was in this movie with him...and I heart me some Cameron Diaz, I decided to give it a shot.

The movie is about a normal girl who keeps getting "connected" with a spy...and of course becuase of this, her life is repeatedly threatened and he must continue to come to her rescue.

It was fun to watch and I thought Cameron and Tom did a good job together. The computer graphics on the effects were horrible, but luckily there weren't enough of them to ruin the movie. Although we spent a little extra cash seeing this in the balcony, I was glad it was at the matinee price and not full price. This is fun to see on the big screen, but it would be okay to wait for it to come to DVD too.

On Friday night, the kids and I went to see Toy Story 3. The kids had already seen it on Father's Day with Tony and my family...(remember, I was in bed sick on Father's Day)...but I love Disney movies and I had to see this one in 3D at the Warren...again, I'm a "Warren Snob".

The toys are all back, except Andy is grown up and leaving for college. The story is the toys trying to find their place now that Andy doesn't "need" them anymore.

If you know me at all, you know that I am one that cries in movies...and yes, this movie made me tear up. The first Toy Story came out the year Tony and I got married. So, there is a lot for emotion tied into these movies for me. I kinda relate Quinn's growing up to these when Andy left for college, my heart was sure tugged at.

I recommend you go see this one in 3D and not wait for it to come out on DVD. It is worth the money and time to see it in the theatres.

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I am married to my best friend and am the mom of two wonderful kids. I have had my ups and downs in regards to health, happiness and weight loss. This blog will tell you about all of those ups and downs and my opinion on the randomness that we call life.


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