Monday, June 14, 2010

Emotionally Exhausting Weekend

Saturday night, Ashton and her friend were outside playing with water balloons. The ziplock bag that the balloons were in flew into the dog pen and our dog, Shadow, immediately grabbed it. Afraid that Shadow would swallow the bag and hurt himself, Ashton went into the pen to get it from him. Tony was at the kitchen window and saw her go in the pen...he immediately thought that she needed to stop what she was doing so that Shadow didn't feel threatened...he walked out to tell her to stop and she was screaming before he even got out the door.

As Ashton grabbed for the bag from Shadow, he bit her left hand. I agree that this bite could've been A LOT worse, however, it is still pretty bad. Ashton's left hand is badly bruised, swollen and the largest majority of the bite is on the palm of her hand with other small punctures on the top of it.

My parents just happened to be at the house when it happened and my dad sprung into action by running to Walgreens and getting bandaids and peroxide. Tony cleaned up the bite and determined that it didn't need stitches.

After we got Ashton calmed down and resting, Tony decided he needed to handle the situation of Shadow. We both agreed that we couldn't keep a dog that bites. Tony took Shadow to the OKC Animal Shelter that night and hopes the he is found a home. We are sad that Shadow is no longer a part of our family, but we know that we have made the right decision for our family.


greygillfish said...

OH, I am so sorry. That is an emotional draining weekend. Poor Ashton. I hope she does not become scared of dogs/animals. What kind of dog is shadow?

Angbrad03 said...

What a tough decision, but I certainly understand it. I don't think I would feel comfortable owning a dog that had bitten one of my kids. Sorry it was such a tough weekend for you all.

PS--You look fantastic! I can't believe how much you have lost! Your new healthy lifestyle is definitely paying off!

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I am married to my best friend and am the mom of two wonderful kids. I have had my ups and downs in regards to health, happiness and weight loss. This blog will tell you about all of those ups and downs and my opinion on the randomness that we call life.


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